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MFR - Medical First Responder Training

Medical First Responder Training Overview

Medical First Responders are individuals who have obtained certification in the treatment of medical emergencies and have completed vital training in pre-hospital care. Successful trainees must develop the necessary skills to react quickly and safely in emergency situations. Though not possessing the same abilities as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) who undergoes a more extensive training program in medical emergencies, Medical First Responders experience exceptional training in many key areas that are crucial for the immediate initial response to an incident.

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Medical First Responder Training (MFR) Course

This course is designed for individuals 18 years of age or older interested in becoming Emergency Medical Responders. Emphasis will be placed on development of knowledge and skills needed for first aid and pre-hospital areas, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), spinal and bone fracture immobilization, First-Aid, airway control, and other specific topics.

Total course hours for this program will be 75 hours.

Course Admission Criteria

Students applying for Medical First Responder program entry must have:

  • High School Diploma or GED
  • A valid driver’s license
  • No felony convictions

Course Completion

A certificate of course completion, National Registry exam application, exam reservation form, and necessary information for licensure will be issued to those successfully completing all components of the MFR course and paying in full all course fees. Course completion rosters will be submitted to MDHHS EMS Division.

Fire Agency Sponsored Candidates

Please contact for registration

Visit the GLBCEMS website for instructions on how to register.